The Meanderings of A country housewife and mother.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My daughter has cancer. I have known for a few days now but it is not an easy thing to write about. She cries and says it is her fault because of choices she made and she has the hpv virus that so many young girls have today. It is mindboggling the numbers of young girls that are affected by this dreaded disease. One that I know of right now is 17 and has been told she only has about 6mos to live. Maybe a few months more than that.

I do not know what my daughters prognosis is at this time. I do not know how they will treat it as they are trying to figure that out now.

This damned disease is very hard to talk about. I keep thinking she is only 25 and it is not fair but I have to keep thinking she will be okay. I know of several who have had it and they have turned out okay and are either in treatment or it is cured. I keep thinking that she will be one of the lucky ones. I have to think that.


Anonymous said...

There are no words I can type here that will help...and yet I type.

I am here. I will listen. I will think of you and your daughter and I will pray.

niceheart said...

I'm so sorry to hear about that. But you are right. You have to be positive. And besides we live in a time now that they have treatment for this disease. But I can also imagine how hard it is to go through this time in your life.

Dee said...

You know, as hard as it is for me to say it, it is much harder for her. She was talking to our pastor today about it and she stumbled around the word cancer. I asked her why later and she started to cry, saying, 'you have no idea, mom, how hard it is for me to say the words.'

We have decided against telling Mil or anyone else in the family til we know more about what her treatments will be.

Wendy said...

Dee, I'm so sorry. I truly am. Is this cervical cancer? I was diagnosed with precancerous cells on my cervix, about 11 years ago. They tried freezing and a few other methods to get rid of them. Finally, I had the laser surgery and not even that got rid of them. I was petrified. The next step would be to cut out a cone shape from the cervix, and so I had my daughter first. But, God was with me, and my daughter's birth obliterated my cancerous cells. I didn't believe it at first, but after 3 tests, I began to believe. I've been free of it all these years. Please stay positive, as attitude is everything. My MIL has liver cancer right now, and there is NO cure. But, it IS manageable with treatment. Some days she's good with it, others not so good, and in the beginning, when she first found out - she cried all the time. Your daughter will to, as it's such a frightening thing, but do the treatments, stay positive and keep the faith. My thoughts are with you.

methatiam said...

I had come to say thanks for visiting my BLOG and to thank you for your kind comments. I am sorry to hear this frightening news, and will keep her (and you) in my prayers.

Dee said...

Well, thanks for all your kind words. We will not know the answer to our questions until the 27th. We are hoping it is just the budding of cancer and it can be taken care of easily, or easier than most. I guess it is never easy. I just have not been on much blogging for that purpose among others.

Granny said...

I am so sorry. I have some idea of how you feel. My daughter, much older than yours, was diagnosed a couple of years ago.

I'll add you to my prayers.

Ava said...

I am so sorry to hear this news of yours. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Dee said...

Well, I am back with much better news. She was able to have parts of her cervix frozen and the cancer was removed. They had five spots they had to remove. She will be okay but they have to watch her closely for the next couple of years but she is going to be fine. Thank all of you for your kind words.

Anvilcloud said...

Glad the read the update. I think I tried to comment on this post earlier, but Blogger was being obstinate that day.


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  • Music from the sixties and seventies
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  • Vince Gill


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Books I love

  • Chicken Soup Series
  • Gone With the Wind
  • The Bible
  • The Shinning
  • Turning angel

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I just enjoy life. Especially my family and all the little things life has to offer. I love reading and chatting with my online friends and quilting. I always have a project started. Sometimes I have two or three going.