The Meanderings of A country housewife and mother.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Why are holidays never what I expect them to be? I love the idea of getting together with my family and all and look forward to it so much but it seems as though there is always someone who wants to mess it all up. There is always some family member who wants to throw a wrench into the whole deal. Somebody wants to fight because things are not going their way or they do not want someone at the dinner cause they are not speaking to them.

And of course they try and pull me in on it but I am refusing to allow myself to be pulled in. I will not do it. I will not tell certain relatives they have to stay away. I love them all and do not want all this stuff going on. I have heard of it happening in other families but did not think it would happen in mine. But it has and it is sad.....


Bonita said...

Dee, this happens in every gatherings evoke old agendas. Best to set boundaries, like saying "Shall we discuss this together after dinner?", then let it go, and not bring it up time and time again. Or, you can always just say "I'm not comfortable discussing this..." I hope you have a good Easter weekend, with your cup over-flowing.

Wendy said...

Yup ... I think ALL families experience this at least once. My family isn't bad, but my husband's is awful. Yet they all come together under the same roof, and go in separate rooms and talk badly of each other. I just sit back and watch, and shake my head. You're right - do not get sucked in. Don't let anyone ruin your holiday.

Dee said... husband took care of it this holiday by making the announcement that our house was nuetral grounds and he was not going to tolerate any of the back biting and the fighting that goes on and all did seem to go better after that.


  • Beatles
  • Classic Rock of all kinds
  • Garth Brooks
  • Music from the sixties and seventies
  • Very old Gospel and country music
  • Vince Gill


  • Classic rock

Books I love

  • Chicken Soup Series
  • Gone With the Wind
  • The Bible
  • The Shinning
  • Turning angel

About Me

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I just enjoy life. Especially my family and all the little things life has to offer. I love reading and chatting with my online friends and quilting. I always have a project started. Sometimes I have two or three going.