The Meanderings of A country housewife and mother.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

What is in a word?

My daughter called to see if I wanted to see her announce and perform in the play, Vigina Monologue. I told her I would think about it. I did not know alot about it. I was not thrilled about the title of it though. Perhaps it was because of the title that had the word, 'vigina' in it.

Oh, that is a nasty word, isn't it? I put my cell phone back in my purse and headed for the local walmart. While browsing for a few things I needed I walked over to where three college students were standing. They were talking about the play. I listened to what they were saying. One of the girls said the same thing I was thinking. A young man with them spoke up and said, "Why does the word vagina bother so many people. It is just a body part so get over it already! People are complaining about that play and they have not even taken the time to figure it out. I'm going to see it." With that he walked away.

And as I watched him walk away, I thought of how right he was. It was just a body part. Just a word. So, why do we let such words hold such power over us at times? There are words that I would not use in my every day speaking but I do hear others use them and I have felt insulted or shamed by them. But I am learning to start to look at what they are saying and realizing words cannot hurt or offend you unless you let them.

And for those of you who do not know what the Vagina Monologue is about it is about women who have been abused and in some cases murdered by the men they loved. It is their thoughts and feelings so there is going to be bitterness in anger as well as 'nasty words' in it. It is a series of scenes written by Eve Ensler and she does a great job of letting those of you who do not know what it is it like to be abused.

I know what it is like. I had a boyfriend who beat the crap out of me for loaning his mother a can of peas for dinner. I gave it to her without asking him. Oh, I thought he would change. After all he apologized and told me he still loved me and he would change. I was 19 and in love and I just knew he loved me enough to change his ways. After that, it was just a little love tap every now and then but nothing big til the day he came to where I worked and caught me talking to a man who worked there. He beat me that night. I ended up going to the hospital.

I left and never went back to him but I had the luxery of having a family that lived across the united states that I could go to. With their help I was able to pick up the peices of my life and move on. Many women can not do that for various reasons.

I applaud Eve Ensler for speaking out for the women who can't because they are too afraid or dead.


Annie said...

Wow! My heart really goes out to women who are abused. No one should be hurt be another human being, especially the ones that they love.
About the name of the play - I think we cringe when we hear that word because it is such a private part of ourselves. We cover up in clothes everyday because those private parts of us we only let the person closest to us see. I can see the powerful message that the play will bring, but I would think to pick a name for it that won't turn most people off the minute they hear the name. Once I heard what the play was about I realized that it would be a good play to go see.
So anyways, that is just my opinion. I do hope the play helps women who are abused to take charge and get themselves out of a dangerous situation.

Dee said... is helping women. Across the U.S. and canada shelters are getting funds that come from the play.

Leesa said...

I've actually heard a lot of good things about it. Haven't seen it yet. I'd be interested to see your post on it!

Bonita said...

This is something I'll check out. I've not heard of it...I'm glad you don't settle for abuse. It makes a profound difference in one's take that stand.


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I just enjoy life. Especially my family and all the little things life has to offer. I love reading and chatting with my online friends and quilting. I always have a project started. Sometimes I have two or three going.