The Meanderings of A country housewife and mother.

Monday, May 23, 2005

A taste of the sixties...

To the chagrin of my kids I have discovered Joan Baez and Sara Mcglaughlin and I have been blasting my music the way they did thiers earlier. They are not happy with me but I am so thrilled with having cds with these two singers on. Listening to them is much better on the ears than Marliyn Manson, that is for sure. Of course my mom felt the same way about my beatles and I hated her Bing Crosby records. *blech*

I have always loved the song Joe Hill by Joan. I never knew exactly who it was about til I did some research and it was written about man who was born in sweeden. He moved here when he was very young and changed his name to joe Hill. He was a song writer and union Organizer. Being from a Union state, I had heard of him but did not know much about it. Apparently He was framed for the murder of a store owner. They never had any proof that he did it. Much of the evidence circumstancial and there was a woman who said he was with her the night he was supposed to have killed the store owner. There was a feeling that the copper bosses in Utah framed him and he was executed. He became more famous after he was killed because he became a martyr then.

I think Baez has a wonderful mellow voice.

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  • Beatles
  • Classic Rock of all kinds
  • Garth Brooks
  • Music from the sixties and seventies
  • Very old Gospel and country music
  • Vince Gill


  • Classic rock

Books I love

  • Chicken Soup Series
  • Gone With the Wind
  • The Bible
  • The Shinning
  • Turning angel

About Me

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I just enjoy life. Especially my family and all the little things life has to offer. I love reading and chatting with my online friends and quilting. I always have a project started. Sometimes I have two or three going.